Friday, 13 May 2011

True Friends

People today, in all this new world technology and thinking, have lost sight of what a true friendship is. So, in sprit of my best friend Tellie, I thought I would help the world out a little and explain what real, true friends are.
1. Friends don't have to be exactly the same. Friends have similarities but they also have their differences. They key to opening up the world of friendship is not only to expand on similarities but to accept each other's faults. Because you can't ever judge your friend.
2. Friends have to argue! No one likes to but it is necessary to be healthy. Cause if you agree on everything, either the government has expanded cloning subjects or someone isn't being true and is trying a little too hard.
3. You have to be comfortable together or else you just aren't going to click. If you feel edgy around the person then something isn't quite right.
4. Friends love unconditionally. They have there little angry moments but what's done is done and all is forgive and forget. Why let something that happened in the past ruin what happiness you could have in the future?
5. Believe in love at first sight because there is the equivalent in friendship. Some people think that you have to know someone really well to become good friends. Trust me, it's not true. If the first time you really spend time together you talk for 25 hours straight until 4:30 in the morning about some topic you thought no one else in the world understood, hun, that's real love at first sight.
These are only a few of the basics. Just remember, friends are forever. But only if you keep it that way. Don't diss your buds, love them instead. And when they drive you nuts, love them that much more for being just a little bit different and maybe just a little bit quirky!


Simple v Real Friendship

A simple friend identifies himself when he calls.
A real friend doesn't have to.
A simple friend opens a conversation with a full news bulletin on his life.
A real friend says, "What's new with you?"
A simple friend thinks the problems you whine about are recent.
A real friend says, "You've been whining about the same thing for 14 years. Get off your duff and do something about it."
A simple friend has never seen you cry.
A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.
A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names.
A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.
A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.
A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.
A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed.
A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.
A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems.
A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.
A simple friend wonders about your romantic history.
A real friend could blackmail you with it.
A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest.
A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.
A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.
A real friend knows that it's not a friendship until after you've had a fight.
A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.
A real friend expects to always be there for you!


Friendship Means.....

You know you have a friend for life when they answer the phone at one in the morning because you can't sleep and have a lot on your mind, and they don't mind talking about nothing to get your mind off everything.
They spare some time to spend with you.
When you know that if something bad happened to you they'd be there for you, no questions asked.
When you can look at them when some thing is wrong and they know it just by the look in their eyes and all they have to do is offer a hug and you feel a thousand times better.
When you know that they'd never lie to you, and would never hurt you and if they did it would only be for your betterment.
They can make you laugh when skies are the darkest, and they're there with a good movie and some popcorn when you're totally depressed.
And even if you're a thousand miles apart, it doesn't matter because what you share with this friend is so much deeper then what lies on top that distance plays no role in your friendship.
Friendship is when they push when you need it, but never too hard; and stand back when the time is right but never to far.
And the true test of friendship is if you're willing to do it all back in a heartbeat.
When you're life is so much better because you know them, and they bring out the best that lies within.
