Saturday, 7 May 2011

Friends Working Together

Isn't it great having friends?
What would we do without them?
But have you ever worked with friends – on a regular basis?
There are many opinions about this, some are pro and some are con.
Most of us have various circles of friends.
  • We have our family which can also be considered as the first or the inner friend circle 
  • Then there friends from the neighborhood
  • Friends from work 
  • Friends from school 
  • Friends who we know through our children 
  • and of course we can't forget our virtual friends. 
Can working with friends improve productivity in the office or business environment?  Most studies say "yes"
Here are a few questions that you should ask each other before committing to working together:
  • How will you react to suddenly being together all the time?
  • How will your roles change?
  • Who will be "in charge?"
  • How will you resolve conflict?
  • Will you be able to separate your personal and business relationships?
I have friends who have been working together for years, successfully.


Friends Family and My Hometown

Every summer, usually for the best part of May & June I pack my bags and together with my 
Friends we travel to India Journey for a visit with family and friends.
I have been living in Delhi India for 22 years, but come summer time I become a India Journey again!
This trip however I knew ahead of time that it was going to be different.I feel really young!
I have been cooking – cleaning – doing laundry etc…oh yes this is a working vacation!
We also have played Poker – watched movies with the girls and gone on short but nice walks.  Spending time with Friends & Family is good.
